Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Valley View Seventh-day Adventist Church



Big Lake Youth Camp Registration

Big Lake Youth Camp registration is now open for kid camps and family camps for our 2025 summer! ...More

GYC Northwest 2025

GYC Northwest 2025 – “Beauty for Ashes.” Young people, are you longing for something deeper? GYC ...More

Prayer Conference

March 21-23, 2025, Twin Rocks Friends Camp. This year’s prayer conference is going to be amazing!...More

Stay at Home Women's Retreat

Plan now for “Faith, Love, & Chocolate” Women’s Retreat presented by Tawny Sportsman. April 1...More

Pastor's Office Hours

PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: Pastor Tanner will be in his church office Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p...More

Live Stream Worship

A Note From Our Pastor
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Our Greatest Need #3: Are We “Doctrinarians”?

January 16, 2021

When it comes to truth, Adventists beat them all! In the late 1800s, Adventist Ministers not only knew the truth and teachings of the Scripture, but it was difficult to defeat the Adventist Minister in debates. The result was self-satisfaction thus leading to a spirit of lukewarmness. We had the twin truths of “righteousness by faith” and the “commandments of God.” Unfortunately, it was all head knowledge. The working love of Jesus in the hearts of the people was not really a personal experience. What was really needed was for all selfish ambition to be laid aside, focus on Jesus in what He had done, and was doing in our behalf, and plead with God for the Holy Spirit to descend upon them. Are we any different today? God raised up the Seventh-day Adventist Church, He gave birth to the remnant of Bible prophecy (Revelation 10), and His desire was that the church would prepare the world for the Second Coming. The truths of the Sabbath, the non-immortality of the soul, the manner of Christ’s coming, the sanctuary ministry, and the investigate Judgement, the validity of God’s commandments including the Sabbath, and care for the body temple were all restored, for a perishing world to understand the work and character of God. We have the truth, but we lost sight of Jesus like the Jews did in losing sight of the Messiah. The Jews were so determined never to return to following pagan ways of worship and became so legalistic that they lost sight of the true meaning of the coming Messiah. Adventists became so full to the law that at one point we were told that we had become drier the hills of Gilboa.  We had lost sight of the love of Jesus. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit had been held back. Let us search our hearts, persevere in prayer, awake out of our sleep, and share together the love of Jesus with the great teachings He has given us. 
