Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Valley View Seventh-day Adventist Church



Big Lake Youth Camp Registration

Big Lake Youth Camp registration is now open for kid camps and family camps for our 2025 summer! ...More

GYC Northwest 2025

GYC Northwest 2025 – “Beauty for Ashes.” Young people, are you longing for something deeper? GYC ...More

Prayer Conference

March 21-23, 2025, Twin Rocks Friends Camp. This year’s prayer conference is going to be amazing!...More

Stay at Home Women's Retreat

Plan now for “Faith, Love, & Chocolate” Women’s Retreat presented by Tawny Sportsman. April 1...More

Pastor's Office Hours

PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: Pastor Tanner will be in his church office Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p...More

Live Stream Worship

A Note From Our Pastor
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The Order of Melchisedek —3 The Basis of the Calling of the Priesthood-part 2

April 3, 2021

The priest must live an exemplary life. If he had any spot or blemish – finger cut off or a foot injured or something wrong with him – he could not be the representative of the One Who is altogether lovely and utterly perfect. His diet was carefully regulated. He could not drink alcohol, nor was he to defile the body that in a special sense was a temple of the Holy Ghost. His wife was to be chosen with the utmost care. She was to be a member of the priestly family, and there was to be no stain or wrong living in her reputation. His place of abode was designated. There were six cities in which he was to choose to live. Those cities were placed strategically so that in times of emergency the children of Israel could come and obtain justice and instruction from the priests. “Cities of refuge.”

Wonderful name! The communities of priestly homes were “cities of refuge.” Now let us pause a moment to see the application of that to ourselves so that we can bear the thought in our minds in our study.

How many of His people did God design to be Priests ultimately? Every one of them! That is what He told Israel. “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.” Now Peter takes this text and applies it to all that come to Jesus Christ and are built up into a spiritual temple as living stones upon the foundation that no man can change. We all are to be “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.” (1 Peter 2:9).
